About Me

I am a Postdoctoral Associate at Professor Hongyu Zhao’s lab, Department of Biostatistics, Yale University since September, 2022. I earned my Ph.D. in Statistics under the advisory of Professor Ming-Hui Chen at the University of Connecticut in 2022. Previously, I received B.S. and M.S. in Applied Statistics at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2013 and 2014, respectively.

Please find my CV at here.

Research Interests

  • Competing risks and semicompeting risks survival data analysis, longitudinal data analysis, joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data, and cure rate model.
  • Bayesian inference, Bayesian computation, model assessment tools, leveraging external data, and interim analysis in clinical trials.
  • UK Biobank, All of Us, electronic health records, cancer disease, type 2 diabetes, statistical genomics, microbiome data for premature babies and inflammatory bowel disease.

Recent Developments/News

  • Presented recent research titled “A Semicompeting Risks Model with an Application to UK Biobank Data to Identify Risk Factors for Diabetes Onset and Progression,” a joint work with my Postdoc advisor Professor Hongyu Zhao at ENAR 2024 (March 10 - 13, 2024).
  • Joined Department of Biostatistics, Yale University as a Postdocotral Associate in September, 2022.
  • Received the “Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship” at the University of Connecticut, Summer 2022.
  • Presented our paper titled “New Bayesian C-indices for Assessing Importance of Longitudinal Biomarkers in Fitting Competing Risks Survival Data in the Presence of Partially Masked Causes” at the ENAR 2022.
  • Recieved the prestigious “IBM Student Research Award” at the New England Statistics Symposium, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2021.
  • Recieved the prestigious “ISBA 2022 Travel Award”, awarded by the International Society for Bayesian Analysis.
  • Conducted a workshop on “Introduction to R” at the UConn Sports Analytics Symposium 2021 on Oct 9, 2021.